Like many, I have drawers full of holsters. Some I’ve purchased at local gun shows for less than the cost of lunch and a coffee, and others that fall into the, “I better not tell my wife” price range. Each time I buy a new holster, there always seems to be that one thing that bugs the fire out of me. Sometimes it’s the fit, the printing, the shell is too tight or too loose, or the thing is just simply uncomfortable.
I’m normally not the kind of conceal carry owner who prides himself on carrying the full-sized Glock or the commander size 1911. It’s not because I don’t love the feel of those guns, it’s just that they are heavy to me and seem to be a bit bulky. Add that to the fact that I’m not a skinny guy, and you have a situation that is not ideal for conceal carry. The maximum size firearm for me to conceal is something in the neighborhood of a Smith and Wesson Shield or a Taurus G2C 9mm. Both of these handguns have served me well. Very similar in size, both are a thin and streamlined 9mm pistol that offers plenty of magazine capacity, while limiting the amount of room needed to conceal them.
For this holster review I decided to utilize my Taurus G2C. My first impression on the Kinetic Concealment KC Baby was surprisingly exciting. The quality of the construction was the first thing that caught my eye. The stitching, the leather, the neoprene, and even the detail of the kydex shell was top-notch. I personally don’t consider $52 a lot of money for a quality holster, but for this work of art, I was impressed. The holster is 100% Made in America at the Kinetic Concealment facility in Jackson, TN.

The belt clip is attached to the actual kydex shell. I would not recommend trying to slide this holster into your pants and force the clip over your belt, because the belt clip is very tight. I found it much easier to put the holster on just over my pants as I put my pants on, and then run the belt through the clip just like you would a belt loop. Once you lock your belt down, the holster will not move. Upon further inspection, I noticed there were actually three holes in the kydex shell, so the belt clip has two possible positions for a straight up and down cant (probably preferred for appendix carry) and a slightly forward or “FBI” cant if you will. I personally found the FBI cant perfect for me, and carried the holster at about a four to five o’clock position on the right hip.
Now, for the best part; the NEOPRENE backing. Wow, simply amazing. This adds so much comfort to the holster; I barely noticed I had the holster on. And, if I’m honest, by the time the end of the day rolled around, I didn’t notice it at all.
My firearm road securely and didn’t move the entire day. Break in time was minimal for this holster. One additional thing I noticed about this holster that some might overlook is that the kydex shell rode about 1/8th to ¼ inch above my pant line. What I liked about this was this kept my pants from “waterfalling” over into the shell and made re-holstering a breeze.
Kinetic Concealment is one company that I would highly recommend. I feel like this holster is the perfect size for any firearm up to a medium sized range. If you are one who prefers carrying a larger handgun, I would probably opt for the full size Kinetic Concealment IWB holster to add a little more stability.
To find out more about Kinetic Concealment, visit their website at