Daiwa’s New Samurai J-Fluoro Hidden Concept

Monofilament is dead. The original nylon based, single thread fishing line was standard issue for decades…was. But a revolution started in saltwater with the introduction of fluorocarbon. It was narrower diameter, didn’t stretch or float, resisted abrasion, better transmitted strikes, reduced line memory, cast further, and most importantly, was less visible to fish. Freshwater anglers now embrace its performance, too.

A couple years back, Daiwa tipped the fluorocarbon line market on its ear with the launch of Samurai J-Fluoro®, a superior Japanese developed and manufactured fishing line. And now, Daiwa changes the paradigm in fluorocarbon again with Samurai J-Fluoro® Hidden Concept.

Aggregating all the principal features of the original Samurai J-Fluoro – narrow diameter, low-stretch, abrasion resistance, no float, minimal memory, strike indicating and long casting – the new Samurai J-Fluoro Hidden Concept takes perceptibility to a new tier, virtually eliminating its visual presence in the water column.Even though conventional fluorocarbon line reduces refraction, say compared to old school monofilament, light is still able to travel down the filament, causing a degree of illumination. Not so with Samurai J-Fluoro Hidden Concept. The ingeniously cultivated line is constructed with technologically advanced color blending, with a repeating sequence of four shades of brown and green. The stealth coloration negates refraction and light traveling through the line, while fading into the background.Whereas traditional clear fluorocarbon gets high-marks for its performance in clear water, Samurai J-Fluro Hidden Concept takes the lead in all other water conditions. And, honestly, how often do you fish in oxygen clear water? Most bodies of water, including coastal regions, present some degree of coloration. Tints range from murky backwaters to brackish stain to just minimally tinted water. In all instances, Samurai J-Fluro Hidden Concept excels, the breakup of green and brown shades camouflaging the line.
There’s another benefit, too. Underwater environments aren’t linear, either, meaning nothing in a fish’s natural world starts at the surface and travels to the bottom on a straight line. Samurai J-Fluoro Hidden Concept’s breakup pattern doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb, but rather blends seamlessly by breaking up against waterscapes. It’s said that “a system is only as good as the weakest link.” Don’t let your fishing line be that weak link. Daiwa’s Samurai J-Fluoro stands to be the strongest link in your system, as well as the stealthiest. Daiwa Samurai J-Fluoro Hidden Concept is available in 220-yard filler spools from $23.99 – $54.99 and 1,000 yard bulk spools from $64.99 – $199.99, and weights ranging from 2-25lb test.
Color Blending Technology
Camouflaged Four Sequential/Repeating
Shades of Green and Brown
Low Diameter Sinking
Abrasion Resistant
Low Stretch
Ultra-Sensitive Long-Casting
Low Memory 

For Daiwa’s latest color catalog and/or information on Daiwa dealers in your area, call Daiwa’s Customer Service Department at 562-375-6800 or e-mail inquiries to: CSR@daiwa.com. The URL for Daiwa’s web site is daiwa.us 

About Daiwa Corporation
Daiwa’s first spinning reel rolled off the assembly line in 1955. Since then, the company has grown into one of the largest and most influential tackle companies in the world today. To handle sales and distribution in the United States, Daiwa Corporation first opened its doors on September 26, 1966, operating from a small facility in Culver City, California. Today, based in Cypress, California, Daiwa Corporation sells tackle throughout the United States, Canada, Central and South America. From the very beginning, Daiwa’s emphasis has been upon innovation and quality. The result is a long list of product features, design and materials that have become standards for the fishing tackle industry. Daiwa’s long-standing record of innovation has left a visible mark on the majority of tackle manufactured today and continues to advance the sport of fishing. Learn more at daiwa.us