If you’re looking for a tough yet affordable outdoor gear bag, back pack, sling bag, gun case or range bag you need look no further than Rukx Gear. The Rukx label is built tough with the tactical/outdoor adventurer in mind and is distributed in the US by American Tactical, Inc (ATI).
Having already tested the Rukx Gear Discrete Messenger Bag, I can see why Rukx bags have become so popular. They are well equipped, rugged and handsome to boot. There is little doubt ATI’s Rukx Gear products are manufactured for maximum durability.

Recently I was afforded the opportunity to try out two additional Rukx bags in the harsh New Mexico desert. I found that these bags would be tough to beat for the everyday adventurer especially considering their affordability.
First, the Rukx Single Strap Sling Bag is designed to keep your personal items and accessories protected from even the harshest of environments. This sling bag is comfortable, compact, and provides plenty of capacity. The adjustable single sling is easy to use and can be removed. With an external drink pouch this bag makes for a great every day carry option. The bag features heavy duty non rust zippers and is made from 600D polyester which makes the case water resistant.

The zipper pouch closest to your body when wearing this sling bag is ideal in my opinion to carry a small to mid-sized handgun.
American Tactical Imports RUKX Gear Single Strap Sling Bag Specifications and Features include:
- Compact Design
- Dimensions, 11.50″ x 10″ x 8″
- Adjustable Sling
- External Drink Pouch
- Reinforced Heavy Duty Non-Rust Zippers
- 600D Polyester
- Water Resistant
- 7 individual storage areas
- Tan or Black
- Price point of around $55
Second, the Rukx Gear Tactical 1 Day Backpack. This pack will keep your equipment protected even from the current scorching temperatures of the desert southwest. The Rukx 1 day pack is also compact in design but provides an ideal blend of capacity and transportability with 4 main storage areas. A quality back-relief panel provides for maximum comfort for all day use. Plenty of molle webbing on the Rukx 1 Day Pack also allows for the addition of small pouches such as a med kit or survival essentials.

American Tactical Imports RUKX Gear Tactical 1 Day Backpack Specifications and Features include:
- Compact design
- Dimensions: 18″x11″x11″
- 4 main storage areas
- Premium back- relief panel design
- Internal organization system for securing tools and other items
- Reinforced Velcro webbing
- Adjustable shoulder straps
- Durable strap carry handle
- Heavy-duty non-rust zippers
- Hydration-pack compatible
- Made of 600D Polyester
- Water resistant
- Tan or Black
- Price point of around $45
I found both of these bags to be durable, rugged and more than useable if not ideal, for those quick day trips into the backcountry.
As previously mentioned, American Tactical Inc. is the US distributor of Rukx gear and offers pistol and rifle bags, range bags, sling systems, tool bags, and a wide variety of packs and sling bags. Midsouth Shooters Supply is also a retailer for ATI’s Rukx products.
Check out both of these sites the next time you’re on the hunt for new outdoor or shooting gear.
About the Author:
TERRY NELSON – is a 30-year veteran of law enforcement with police and sheriff agencies, including SWAT and sniper roles, and has served as a state game warden. Nelson also served seven years with New Mexico State Guard. A lifelong hunter, guide, tracker and firearms enthusiast, Terry is sought for training in multiple disciplines by both civilian and police-serving agencies and companies. Nelson also holds a Basic Tac Med instructor certification from Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.