Down South Lures Deliver on Shallow Water Reds!

Down South Lures is a company you need know! If you have never hooked a Redfish and battled him all the way to boat, you absolutely haven’t lived! Recently on a trip down to Destin, FL my bride and I set out to fight the leviathans of the flats with hopes we could hook up […]
Always Wanted to Try Recreational Powerboating But Didn’t Know Where to Begin?

Have you always wanted to try boating, but never had anyone to show you the ropes? A new partnership between Potomac Boat Rentals and the national nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water makes it easy and affordable with a series of three-hour courses for beginner and experienced boat operators alike starting Wednesday, […]
Al’s Goldfish Fish Wrap Writer Special Edition Saltwater Goldfish

Anglers looking to catch more, and bigger, striped bass, bluefish, bottom dwellers like fluke and a wide variety of other saltwater fish under varying conditions should check out the new Al’s Goldfish Fish Wrap Saltwater Series lure. Designed by Todd Corayer, aka The Fish Wrap Writer, the Fish Wrap Writer Special Edition Saltwater Goldfish was […]